What a day. I took a final exam today and finished up one of my favorite classes in the nursing program to date. In celebration, some of my fellow students and I went to lunch and had a few drinks or three or four and then had to return to school to take one more exam. I must pat myself on the back. It seems that taking these computerized national exams with a little buzz works very well for me. I scored far above the national average and made THE highest score on campus. (Yay me! And yay Mojitos and Margaritas!)
I cannot believe I am about to begin my second to the last class in nursing school! I never thought I would say this but wow, its gone by quickly. This is going to be a lightning quick semester. Only seven weeks. We start full throttle. I'll have the dreaded "Dosage Calculation" test the first week. For those of you who don't know what that is......well, its a crazy tactic nursing school uses to make us nervous, frantic and self-doubting. You have to make a 95 to pass this test. (Which is a good thing considering the fact that nurses do deal with meds that could potentially kill someone if administered at an incorrect dosage!!!!) but I digress.....if you don't pass this test, well, then you're out of the program. So, you see why our level of stress would be so high?!?!? (and thus in need of alcoholic beverages after a final exam) The funny thing is that once you're an RN and you're on the floor you get to use calculators, other RN's to verify your math and drug guide books to make sure you're dosing correctly. Hmmm....again, see why I think it is just some crazy tactic used to scare us to death?!?! Anyway....I'm rambling. After dosage calc test we will then begin having one exam a week, two days a week of 11 hour clinical days and one 8 hour day of class. I also still have my regular job, my old lady sitting job and my four kids. Thank God its only 7 weeks. Seven weeks......I've had migraines last longer than that! I've stayed in bad relationships longer than that. Heck, I've been pregnant four times and that's way longer than 7 weeks.......I can do anything for 7 weeks.
5 years ago
this is the BEST profession to persue right now. I thought about it myself (I have a Psych degree) but I have a phobia to vomit and obviously nurses DO have to deal with vomit, maybe even regularly. I decided against it...*sniffle*
I have a huge aversion to vomit myself.....however, motherhood has taught me not only to catch vomit with my bare hands but to assess it in order to find out exactly what it looks like, how it smells and what was in it. Somehow I thought that might be important should a trip to the pediatrician office be required. LOL Motherhood/nursing....its pretty much all the same. At least I get to wear gloves on the floor.
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