A few months ago Paddy and I had a cute little incident I failed to share. We were out running errands and made a stop at the post office. We mailed our package and went back out to get in the car. I threw my purse in and got him all buckled up in his car seat and realized I couldn't find my keys. I'm digging in my purse and through the piles of "kids stuff" in my car..... no keys. Paddy pipes up, "what ya doin mommy?" to which I reply, "looking for my keys son." He says, "I dot yo keys". I, of course, ask "where are they", " I dunno". I ignore him and the searching resumes. This goes on for a few minutes until this man comes out from the post office asking if he could help. Then he just stands there looking at me like I'm an idiot. He then asks me if its okay if he looks in Paddy's pocket. At this point I didn't care where he looked. "Look away moron", was what I was thinking. Well, what I didn't know was that while we were inside this man noticed that I dropped some change and he saw Paddy pick it up and put it in his pocket. Sure enough.......the man looks over the car at me jingling my keys and smiling. The little monster had them in his pocket. He squeals out in laughter and in his two year old language says...."I dot yo tees, momma! Dey in my potit".
This leads me to another pocket story......I'm learning to empty his pockets before I wash his pants...God only knows what I'm going to pull out one day. Last Sunday we went to Mom's for dinner or just to hang out (don't remember). I got home that night and was putting a load of clothes on to wash and reached in to Paddy's pocket and found two quarters, a dime and a $20 bill. I called mom and Barry and said, are you missing anything.....they laughed and Barry went and checked his office. Sure enough, the money he had in his office was scattered on the floor a sign that hurricane Paddy had blown through and helped himself to a little prize. The next morning Tyler asked Paddy if he took Granddaddy's money and Paddy giggled and said, "uh-huh, wots of it".
Moral of the story....if Paddy comes to visit make sure you make him empty his pockets before leaving. :)
5 years ago
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