OK...so I've been a bit of a slacker and ignoring my little blog here. I have been a little busy so don't hate me too much. I'm siting here trying to decide if there is actually still room left in my brain to retain any more information for this exam I have tomorrow over 8 chapters on the cardiac system. My brain is so full that sometimes I find it leaking out of my eyes at the most inappropriate times. Like Friday......well, wait, let me give you some back ground information:
I think I've already mentioned that I'm a tiny bit stressed over this condensed
semester and apparently my stress is manifesting itself in weird ways such has irregular heart beats, incredibly low blood pressure and just over all feeling of funkiness (I know, I'm a senior nursing student and funkiness is the best subjective term I could come up with describe how I'm feeling). This, of course, stresses me even more.
*** Now back to our regularly scheduled blog****
So, Friday, I'm standing in line at the grocery store. I'm minding my own business just waiting to pay for my stuff and I'm watching this group of girls, obviously dressed to go out, and suddenly, my brain starts leaking from my eyes. Really? Now? You're going to do this now? I couldn't decide if I was leaking because I was jealous that it has been months since I've gone out with my girlfriends or if my crazy nursing student imagination has finally gotten the best of me. I've worked so hard to get through this effin' nursing program, sacrificed time with my kids, time with my friends, basically sacrificed life in general and now, here, in my last semester I'm going to find out that I have developed some sort of horrible disease that is probably going to kill me before I can even attend my pinning ceremony.
I think I followed the wrong rabbit.
5 years ago
Hi Jules!
I just "found" you and your sweet blog. Thanks for following and commenting on mine...I'll add you to my very teeny tiny list of blogs that I follow...love the single mom angle...so appreciated, believe me!
Be well,
Things will be ok! I so remember my single life with kids, working full time and going to school full time! My eyes leaked a lot! My son used to ask why I took so many showers! You will make it through school, you will make it with your kids, you will be ok!
ALMOST there...don't give up girl! It really is going to be worth all of the hard work and sacrifices. You are going to enjoy the life of a nurse.
Hang in there!
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