Ok....so don't everyone get too excited but I successfully passed my first exam for which I spent a whole 48.27 hours studying. Now, I only made a 76...BUT two questions that I missed I missed because the ding dong sitting next to me decided that the first 5 minutes of the test was the appropriate time to fiddle with his Tag Huer......Thanks Rob! ;) I was so distracted by his fiddling that I wrote the correct answer down on the test but I bubbled in the wrong answer on the scantron form. Damned bubbles...damned men. *** Now my annoying ex husband is standing in my living room annoying the shit out of me and I wish that he would just drop off the only good thing that came out of our marriage (our children) and leave. Why he feels it necessary to come in and socialize is beyond me*** Sorry, I got a little distracted.
Tomorrow is the first day of clinicals and I'm actually excited about that. Not so excited about the 4:30am wake up but I am looking forward to working with patients. I so hate the class room but I do soooo love caring for my patients (for the most part).
One cute little Paddy story before I go: I'm sitting in my big over stuffed chair working (really I am) I say that all the time, I know, but I am. I can multi task very well. I am a single mom, after all....again, distracted.....Paddy keeps insisting on sitting right on top of me while I"m trying to work. So, finally I pulled his little chair (which is a nice, comfy Pottery Barn chair he got from his Grammy and Pappa for Christmas) and asked him to sit next to me. Twice now he has climbed right back up here with me, sat on the arm of the chair, put his arm around my neck and whispered, "Hey, mom, can you give me some room?" (***sigh*** rolling eyes) MEN!!!!!
5 years ago
So glad you passed!!!
Good luck with your new rotation!
Congrats on the test.
By the way, I always wore ear plugs during my tests because I always would get so distracted by the coughing, sniffling, gum smacking, paper rustling, door slamming, finger tapping, etc etc.
The ear plugs kept me from killing someone... Trust me on this.
Have fun tomorrow.
Congratulations on passing!
Clinicals sound like they will be much more interesting......
Love those snuggles and hugs.
Ouch, 4:30 in the morning! CONGRATS on passing! Hurray! Too cute about your son, my son does the same thing. Always has to sit right on top of me! Sometimes a girl needs her space! :)
Congrats! You will love clinicals!
Tell the ex to get lost! It is a law or something that exes annoy us as much as possible! LOL
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