Friday, July 17, 2009

The incredible, not so edible, L'egg

Last Wednesday I worked my first 12 hour shift. Where did they put me? I'm glad you asked. I was in the ED.....I don't know why they don't just issues roller blades at the front door 'cause I'm here to tell you it was non stop. There were moments in the day that there were 3 and 4 ambulances in the bay with an already full ED and patients in holding rooms waiting for beds to open up so they could be admitted. Crazy stuff, I tell ya. So crazy that after walking onto the floor at 0645 it suddenly hit me at 1445 in the middle of the third cardioversion of the day that I had not peed all day, my bladder weighed at least 4lbs, my legs were throbbing, my feet were numb and my stomach was shouting profanities at me.

That evening when I got home I was so tired I couldn't sleep. My legs were still throbbing. I'm sure they were in total rebellion at this point. They had been carrying my big behind around all day with additional 4-6lb, over distended bladder. There was no way they were going to chill and let me sleep. But alas, they finally quited down and let me get some sleep. The next day the nurse I was precepting with decided to let me in on her little hose. I'm thinking, ok, Granny, seriously? She swore by them and said I'd be a fool not to invest in a good pair.

Well, surprise, surprise surprise. Who would have thought that a simple thing like support hose could have such a positive impact on someone's life.
I didn't even realize they still made panty hose. I'm a commando girl myself.....its a family trait...well, except for my #2 sister. I have to say, I was kind of embarrassed walking into the store looking for panty hose. I mean, honestly, who wears panty hose these days? Especially in Florida where temperatures soar into the upper 90's with 100%humidity 6 months out of the year. Well, let me tell you, sign me up I'm a tried and true believer in support panty hose. I will crack that little egg open before every 12 hour shift and proudly adorn those tacky, tight, sticky, mom jeans waisted, cirulation promoting, oh so energizing support hose and do so with pride!!

Viva la L'eggs!!!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Passing is all that matters don't everyone get too excited but I successfully passed my first exam for which I spent a whole 48.27 hours studying. Now, I only made a 76...BUT two questions that I missed I missed because the ding dong sitting next to me decided that the first 5 minutes of the test was the appropriate time to fiddle with his Tag Huer......Thanks Rob! ;) I was so distracted by his fiddling that I wrote the correct answer down on the test but I bubbled in the wrong answer on the scantron form. Damned bubbles...damned men. *** Now my annoying ex husband is standing in my living room annoying the shit out of me and I wish that he would just drop off the only good thing that came out of our marriage (our children) and leave. Why he feels it necessary to come in and socialize is beyond me*** Sorry, I got a little distracted.

Tomorrow is the first day of clinicals and I'm actually excited about that. Not so excited about the 4:30am wake up but I am looking forward to working with patients. I so hate the class room but I do soooo love caring for my patients (for the most part).

One cute little Paddy story before I go: I'm sitting in my big over stuffed chair working (really I am) I say that all the time, I know, but I am. I can multi task very well. I am a single mom, after all....again, distracted.....Paddy keeps insisting on sitting right on top of me while I"m trying to work. So, finally I pulled his little chair (which is a nice, comfy Pottery Barn chair he got from his Grammy and Pappa for Christmas) and asked him to sit next to me. Twice now he has climbed right back up here with me, sat on the arm of the chair, put his arm around my neck and whispered, "Hey, mom, can you give me some room?" (***sigh*** rolling eyes) MEN!!!!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Jules in Wonderland I've been a bit of a slacker and ignoring my little blog here. I have been a little busy so don't hate me too much. I'm siting here trying to decide if there is actually still room left in my brain to retain any more information for this exam I have tomorrow over 8 chapters on the cardiac system. My brain is so full that sometimes I find it leaking out of my eyes at the most inappropriate times. Like Friday......well, wait, let me give you some back ground information:

I think I've already mentioned that I'm a tiny bit stressed over this condensed
semester and apparently my stress is manifesting itself in weird ways such has irregular heart beats, incredibly low blood pressure and just over all feeling of funkiness (I know, I'm a senior nursing student and funkiness is the best subjective term I could come up with describe how I'm feeling). This, of course, stresses me even more.

*** Now back to our regularly scheduled blog****

So, Friday, I'm standing in line at the grocery store. I'm minding my own business just waiting to pay for my stuff and I'm watching this group of girls, obviously dressed to go out, and suddenly, my brain starts leaking from my eyes. Really? Now? You're going to do this now? I couldn't decide if I was leaking because I was jealous that it has been months since I've gone out with my girlfriends or if my crazy nursing student imagination has finally gotten the best of me. I've worked so hard to get through this effin' nursing program, sacrificed time with my kids, time with my friends, basically sacrificed life in general and now, here, in my last semester I'm going to find out that I have developed some sort of horrible disease that is probably going to kill me before I can even attend my pinning ceremony.

I think I followed the wrong rabbit.